The Prittie Perspective

We provide client communication touch points that provides many valued added features and benefits such as  economic and market updates, quarterly newsletters and mature client oriented publications.

Market Madness or Economic Reality

Market Madness or Economic Reality?

By Michael Prittie | 3 July 2022

Different people will choose a different answer from the above two choices. Personally, I believe we are long overdue for some Economic Reality. Why is that?

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I Thought Bonds Were Safe and Stable

I Thought Bonds Were Safe and Stable?

By Adam Prittie | 3 July 2022

A common misconception amongst investors is that investments in bonds cannot decline.

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Be Prepared - Our Approach to The Future of Your Busines and Estate

Be Prepared: Our Approach to the Future of Your Business and Estate

By Anka Molon | 3 July 2022

Family businesses are the backbone of our economy, and their future success is critical. Over the years, many successful family business owners have told us that they have not completed a proper succession and estate plan. 

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Admin Corner

The Admin Corner: The Client Request Process – EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) & Wire Requests

By Natalie Nunn-Métivier | 3 July 2022

Our primary goal is to ensure Electronic Funds Transfers (EFTs) and Wire orders are initiated, executed, and approved in a secure manner while meeting the needs of our clients.

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Michael Year End

How To Handle The Current Market Pull-Back?

By Michael Prittie | 24 May 2022

After a very comforting run up in values post covid March 2020, it’s been a tough start to the year that has left the American S&P 500 stock index (“S&P 500”) now in official bear market territory. Our home-based Toronto Stock Exchange (“TSX”) has followed a similar path for the…

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Five Tax Tips

Five Tax Tips Outside the Box

By Michael Prittie | 30 March 2022

Now is the time to plan for tax savings in 2022 and beyond. Combining proven and prudent tax planning with sound investment management can make a big difference to your wealth. Here are five lesser-known tax strategies to help you do just that.

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Hedging Your Portfolio

Hedging Your Portfolio: The Importance of Downside Protection

By Adam Prittie | 30 March 2022

When preparing an asset allocation strategy for your specific objectives, it is important to not let the allure of high returns in “excess” of the benchmark lure you into a portfolio not suited for your risk tolerance. Over the course of your lifetime, your risk aversion in all aspects will continually change, but this is especially true as you near retirement.

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Tax Preparation Services

Tax Preparation Services With Capital Wealth Partners

By Michael Prittie | 30 March 2022

As the focus on RRSP season is over, we turn our attention to the current tax season. It is important to note that personal tax returns must be filed by April 30th. We kindly ask that you provide us all documentation at least two weeks prior to the appropriate deadline.

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the 1% Solution

The 1% Solution – A Proven Corporate Insurance Strate

By Anka Molon | 30 March 2022

Your company is an operating company or an investment holding company. It has retained profits or surplus cash that is not paid to you, since you do not need the income. Your corporation invests the cash in a balanced portfolio including a traditional fixed income component, which you earmark for your heirs or favourite charity. You want a financial planning strategy that will reduce taxes annually and increase the funds available when you die.

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Higher Interest Rates

Higher interest rates are here. What does that mean for you?

By Michael Prittie | 30 March 2022

The Bank of Canada has been signaling for a while now that they will respond to inflation by raising interest rates. Sure enough, on March 2nd they announced a hike in the overnight rate by 0.25%. Here are answers to the most commonly asked questions.

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Admin Corner

The Admin Corner: The Client Request Process – EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) & Wire Requests

By Natalie Nunn-Métivier | 30 March 2022

Our primary goal is to ensure Electronic Funds Transfers (EFTs) and Wire orders are initiated, executed, and approved in a secure manner while meeting the needs of our clients. We want to ensure that you receive your fund requests when you need it; for example, buying a new car or any other purchase. Please review our client request process for EFTs & Wire Requests.

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Michael Year End

Michael’s Year End Market Commentary & Branch Update

By Michael Prittie | 8 January 2022

Given that the economy and stock markets react to news, you find market fluctuations worrisome. History shows a broad market decline is temporary and followed by a new high. For our part, we have been reviewing accounts continuously and rebalancing where suitable and warranted in line with mandate targets, time horizons, personal tax rates, risk tolerances etc.

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