Past Events

Annual Client Appreciation Movie Event

Adam Prittie invite you and your family to his Annual Client Movie Event on Saturday, June 22 at the Cineplex Cinemas (Coliseum) Ottawa.

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Economic Update

Watch our seminar on: Econonmic Update

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Spring Gardening Seminar

Please join us on Wednesday, March 27th, 2024 for our Spring Gardening Seminar

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Probity Resource LP’s Proven Tax Deductible Investing

Please join us on Wednesday February 28, 2024 as we discuss Probity Resource LP’s Proven Tax Deductible Investing.

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Planning for Retirement & RRSP 101 seminar

Planning for Retirement & RRSP 101

Join us as we discuss Planning for Retirement and RRSP 101. This session promises to be informative and will provide you with the opportunity to ask questions.

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Investing 101 & Year End Tax & Finance Tips for Business Owners

Join us as we discuss 2 great topics: Investing 101 & Year End Tax & Financial Tips for Business Owners .

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Wills & Power of Attorneys: Protecting Your Future

Join us as we discuss Wills and Power of Attorney and how to Protect Your Future.

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Client Appreciation Event: Join Us in Celebrating Michael Prittie’s Career

Join the Prittie Private Wealth team in celebrating Michael’s career. This celebration event also recognizes 38 years of valued client relationships. We hope you can attend!

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Economic & Market Update

Economic & Market Update Seminar

Watch our last seminer on Economic & Market Update

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How to Prepare for the 2023 Tax Season | Tax Efficient Ways to Invest

Now that the 2022 tax season is behind us, it is a great time to begin preparing for the 2023 tax season. Join us as we provide tax efficient ways to invest. Maximize your savings in 2023 with tax preparation.

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Our Annual Client Appreciation Movie Event

Michael & Adam Prittie invite you and your family to Our Annual Client Movie Event on Saturday, June 10th at the Cineplex Cinemas (Coliseum) Ottawa.

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Spring Gardening Seminar

Did you miss the client seminar on April 27, 2023? You want watch our recording here.

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