Reasons for Hope

As we watch the horror show of economic data from around the world, it’s important to remember that there’s a purpose behind this damage. As we’ve said repeatedly, the economic damage is not a direct result of the novel coronavirus Covid-19 itself. Rather it is primarily a result of the actions taken to mitigate the human health toll of the virus. Effectively, we are starving the global economy in an effort to starve the virus.
While the precise path of the virus remains well beyond our ability to forecast, we can look to China for hope. China, as we all know, was the first country that suffered from a mass infection of Covid-19. After a delay, the government placed stringent limitations on businesses and personal activities in an attempt to control the virus—the center of which was in the city of Wuhan. On April 8, restrictions will be lifted and life in Wuhan will begin to return to normal.